France Notaires International

The French notarial profession:
an international outlook

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As part of our cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of Cambodia, we received a delegation led by Davann TANHEANG, Secretary of State for several working meetings on the draft law on Cambodian notaries.


10 October 2024

Colloquium on the Chinese Civil Code: Franco-Chinese perspectives

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13-16 March 2024

President’s visit to Quebec City

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27th November - 1sr December 2023

Reception of the State Secretary for Justice of Cambodia

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All events

As part of our cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of Cambodia, we received a delegation led by Davann TANHEANG, Secretary of State for several working meetings on the draft law on Cambodian notaries.


A history written together


Our international work reached a turning point when we decided, alongside 18 other countries (Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,  Ecuador, Italy, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Switzerland and Uruguay), to create the International Union of Notaries ( It now has 91 members!


The Association of French-Speaking Notaries (Association du notariat francophone – ANF) created in Paris ( France was one of the founding members.


New turning point: a Conference of Notaries of the European Union created, to replace the Conference of Presidents. It brought together all notarial professions from the European Union, including France as one of the founding members. In 2006, it became the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (


Opened the Sino-French Centre for Legal and Notarial Training and Exchanges in Shanghai, with the Shanghai Office of Justice. The result? More than 5,000 Chinese notaries have been trained. (


Organised the third Congress of the International Union of Notaries in Paris, in the presence of the French, Serbian and Georgian Ministers of Justice.


For the first time, France hosted the World Notariat University ‘Jean-Paul Decorps’ organised by the International Union of Notaries. The selective event was attended by almost 100 young notaries from 44 countries.

Our entire history


It is through the work of notaries that I discovered the plight of undocumented children and decided to turn it into a political battle; they are absolutely indispensable as partners.

Laurence Dumont
former Member of Parliament, co-author of the information report on Children without identity
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I am particularly pleased that the French notarial profession is so outward-looking and has been for many years.

Renaud Dutreil
President of the Civil Law Initiative
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The fact that notaries in France and Lebanon wish to work together is an effective way to ensure that the trade between us is secure from a legal standpoint.

Dominique de Legge
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